Cardunneth secures Outline Planning Permission

A collection of up to 20 custom homes have been approved on the edge of Corby Hill.
Custom Build Homes has secured planning permission for Carlisle’s first custom build housing community, just east of Carlisle city centre.

Finding Your Perfect Plot: A Guide for Aspiring Home Builders

If you’re ready to take the next step in building your dream home, our comprehensive course will provide you with the expert advice and knowledge you need. BOOK NOW.

Grand Designs Live 2024

Custom Build Homes were are Grand Designs Live in London yesterday to discuss the future of the self-build and custom housebuilding (SBCH) market with Kevin McCloud and property expert, writer, and broadcaster Kunle Barker alongside former housebuilder, custom build developer and Chair of the National Custom and Self Build Association Mark Stevenson.

The session, which attracted a significant audience and was themed “Custom build in the UK- the future is scale”, focused on the SBCH market in an international context and its scaling effect here in the UK. Also discussed were the barriers currently faced by the industry in a challenging housing market, emerging opportunities on larger housing sites and the potential future policy landscape with a General Election expected later in 2024.

The session also gave the audience a chance to engage directly with industry leaders to better understand the custom build housing model and see examples of recent and emerging projects.

If you wish to be kept up-to-date with the latest news and market info, sign-up for our newsletter today.

If you are a consumer looking for an opportunity to build your own home, please sign up to our market leading Right to Build Register which now extends to over 130,000 active subscribers nationally.

Competition regulator recognises custom and self-build as important delivery models to boost housebuilding and market diversity.

Exciting Progress at Trinity Mews Housing Development

Outside Durham, the new community of Trinity Mews is rapidly taking shape, with various homes at advanced stages of construction. The development, which blends modern design with sustainability, progresses towards a significant milestone of welcoming its first residents later this year.

Trinity Mews aims to offer diverse housing options, ensuring a home for every need. As the development unfolds, it promises to breathe new life into the area, creating a dynamic community with modern amenities and a strong sense of belonging.

Stay tuned for updates as Trinity Mews transforms from blueprints to a thriving community, where dreams of home ownership become a reality.

Cross Nursery- Submission of Reserved Matters Application

Custom Build Homes is delighted to announce that a Reserved Matters Application has been submitted for a collection of 14 Self-Build Homes at Cross Nursery, in Hertfordshire Green Belt.

Following receiving formal Outline Planning Permission (Ref 07/22/0147/O) from Broxbourne Borough Council on the 29th of December 2023, planners at Custom Build Homes have been preparing for the submission of a Reserved Matters Application (Ref 07/24/0035/RM). This RM application seeks detailed planning permission for 14 serviced building plots for self and custom housebuilding, in line with the Outline Planning Permission.

Broxbourne’s planning policy enables specific former nursery sites to come forward for planning permission to help deliver Broxbourne’s Council’s statutory duty to supply permissions for those wishing to build their own homes under the Self and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015.

The site, which sits on a derelict former horticultural nursery site, located on the edge of Goffs Oak, is being developed by Custom Build Homes, on behalf of the client. The semi-rural location in the Hertfordshire Countryside will soon make way for a new high-quality housing community of 14 self-build homes set out in a spacious, landscape-led layout.

The Reserved Matters Application sets out the specific design requirements for all development on the site which future individuals Reserved Matters applications must comply with. This includes submission of a Design Code, plot-specific Plot Passports and on-plot and off-plot detailed designs of the development. Further details of the application and related documents published, can be found on the Borough of Broxbourne planning portal via this link.

Plot purchasers will have the opportunity to purchase their desired plot and design a home that is in keeping with the approved Design Code, which has been submitted with the RM Application. Reference to the Design Code will help deliver an attractive, high-quality development that is in keeping with the local countryside surroundings.

The RM planning proposals were submitted in early January to Broxbourne Borough Council, compliant with submission requirements and Section 106 requirements. Submitting the proposal, now enables us to prepare for marketing the site, with an aimed planning determination by April 2023.

Pricing and further information will be available towards the sales launch, which is aimed for Summer, 2024.


If you wish to be kept up to date with this development, please complete this form:


Callum Park Open Day 2024

Mark your calendar and join us for the Open Day on Saturday, 27th January.

Custom Build Homes wins Best Disruptive Construction Company in 2023!

Custom Build Homes is proud to share that we have won Best Disruptive Construction Company and Best Bespoke Residential Construction Company in 2023, at the Scottish Enterprise Awards, presented by SME News!

Custom Build Site is Granted Permission on the back of a Successful Appeal

This week we received outline planning permission on appeal (PINS Ref APP/V2635/W/23/3320506 & Council Ref 22/01076/O) for our proposals to bring forward four building plots for self-build and custom housebuilding on our client’s site on the edge of the village of Docking, in in the Borough of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk.

The Inspector agreed with our extensive demand and supply-led evidence that the Council had failed in its statutory duty to deliver enough plots to meet the demand on its Self-Build Register and agreed with our team’s analysis that the Council’s actual supply of self-build plots had built up a significant shortfall.

The Council argued that the submission of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Form 7 Part 1 forms alone was appropriate evidence to demonstrate that sufficient self-build and custom housebuilding plots had been permitted. Our team argued that CIL Form 7 Part 1 is only a self-certification stage and does not provide evidence that an applicant would have input into design and layout, as required by the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as amended). The Inspector agreed.

The Inspector therefore gave ‘significant weight’ to the delivery of much needed self-build and custom housebuilding plots, finding this sufficient to outweigh the ‘less than substantial’ harm to a designated heritage asset and non-accordance with the development plan (given the location of the site outside the settlement boundary of Docking).

The Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk must now accept that it is not meeting its duty with respect to those wishing to build their own home, seek to meet the shortfall that has built up, and afford at least ‘significant weight’ to self-build and custom housebuilding proposals until it can demonstrate it is meeting its statutory duty.

The decision also confirms what Custom Build Homes has been regularly advocating to our clients for some time, namely that off-site affordable housing contributions on self-build schemes constitute a dual benefit, not a reason for refusal.

We now look forward to working with our clients at ELEMENTO GROUP to bring forward the site for four custom build homes as soon as possible and thank Andrew Jones from our retained planning consultants at Tetlow King Planning and Robert Sutton at Cotswold Archaeology for their outstanding contributions.

Are you looking to develop your land for Custom Build? Learn more about our services here or contact [email protected]

Successful Marketing Event for Callum Park in Kent Draws Potential Buyers

In a resounding triumph, the recent marketing event for Callum Park development in Kent, organised by Custom Build Homes…