Scotland’s first long-term housing strategy

Custom Build Homes welcomes the Scottish Government’s vision for housing in Scotland to 2040.

A vision where homes are affordable for everyone

The ‘Housing to 2040’ document demonstrates what the Scottish Government wants housing and communities to look and feel like, with actions on how to get there. It aims to deliver their ambition for everyone to have access to a high quality, warm, safe, energy-efficient and affordable home that meets their needs, in a community they feel part of and proud of.

Plans to deliver 100,000 affordable homes over the following ten years up to 2031/32. The vision’s aim is for everyone to have choices about where they live, no matter what tenure they live in.

“Custom Build Homes is delighted to see Scotland’s first long-term housing strategy including self-provided housing (which it recognises also includes custom build homes) as a core part of its Housing to 2040 route map, said Mario Wolf, Custom Build Homes’ Director of Planning & Strategic Engagement. 

“The commitment to a year-on-year increase in self-provided housing delivery to boost consumer choice and make it a mainstream housing option should be welcomed, he added.

Notable actions to deliver this include: 

  • The National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) taking a more directive approach to where new development should take place;
  • Supporting the provision of sites for self-provided homes; 
  • Progressing with establishing ‘Lists of Persons with an Interest in Self-Build’ as provided for in the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, and issuing guidance to help local authorities prepare these lists for their area as part of the evidence base;
  • Extending the Self Build Loan Fund for an additional year to September 2022;
  • Developing a national advice service; and 
  • Encouraging local authorities and public landowners to provide land suitable for these types of homes and, where possible, infrastructure ready plots in both rural and urban areas.”

More information can be found at