Modern Slavery Policy

Custom Build Homes is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business and supply chain. This policy outlines the steps we take to ensure that modern slavery has no place in our operations or those of our partners.
1. Our Commitment
We are dedicated to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings. We strive to uphold the highest standards of transparency and accountability in combating modern slavery, in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and other business partners. We expect everyone associated with our operations to adhere to our values and commitment to preventing modern slavery.

3. What is Modern Slavery?
Modern slavery includes slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor, and human trafficking. These practices violate fundamental human rights and have no place in any part of our business or supply chain.

4. Our Actions
To identify and mitigate risks of modern slavery, we take the following steps:
• Supplier Due Diligence: Conducting thorough checks on all suppliers and partners to ensure they comply with anti-slavery practices.
• Contracts and Policies: Including clear anti-slavery clauses in supplier contracts and requiring adherence to ethical labor practices.
• Risk Assessments: Regularly assessing areas of our business and supply chain that may pose a higher risk of modern slavery.
• Training and Awareness: Educating employees about modern slavery, how to identify it, and the steps to report concerns.

5.Reporting Concerns

We encourage all employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to report any concerns related to modern slavery or unethical practices. Reports can be made confidentially through [Insert Reporting Mechanism or Contact Details].

6. Monitoring and Review

We regularly review our modern slavery policy and practices to ensure they remain effective and relevant. This includes evaluating our supply chain and addressing any identified risks or weaknesses.

7. Responsibility

The ultimate responsibility for preventing modern slavery within Custom Build Homes rests with the senior leadership team, supported by all employees and stakeholders.

8. Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with this policy or evidence of modern slavery within our operations or supply chain will result in immediate action, including the potential termination of contracts or partnerships.

Contact Us
If you have any questions about this policy or wish to raise a concern, please contact:
Modern Slavery Officer
Custom Build Homes
8 Houstoun Int. Business Park
EH54 5DW
We are committed to ensuring our business operates responsibly, ethically, and free from any form of modern slavery. Thank you for supporting our efforts to uphold these values.